Hey team, How are we all? Settling into the cooler weather, and what appears to have been either a drift off, or a blow out? Some really cool stuff in this post, so keep reading. 1) Winter programme. There is a winter programme attached (it is subject to change). There is a whole bunch of stuff, from evening theory sessions, to race clinics for all classes, winter series racing, first aid course, safety boat course, and FUN nights! And breathe...... check out the calendar attached. There will be a charge for the race clinics to cover some coaching costs. Payable on the day $20 for the day (the coaching fees you have paid were for the summer season of Sunday mornings). Note you will need to let Gareth know 4 days in advance if you intend on attending :) 2) Torbay sailing bibs. We have had a sample made up for a Team Torbay bib to go over buoyancy aids. 78% recycled! The design is Option 1 on the attachment. If you are interested in one to wear on club days, and regatta racing, then Gareth is taking interest. They will cost around $30 each. Especially if we aim for around 100 bibs. All sizes available, from small, to the well built J14 sailors! 3) We are after a bit of help. We have a number of Sir Peter Blake bibs in bags and boxes just inside the boat shed internal door. Is there someone, or a couple of people able to step up and take responsibility of taking them up to the Torbay laundromat and getting them all washed. And then counting all the usable bibs afterwards. There are three bibs (barfoot thompson - green fleet course, volvo - open fleet course, and southern pacific - adult course). If you are able to do this, please contact Antoinette. That is it for now. Don't forget, save the dates 16th June (Prizegiving), and 30th August (AGM). If you are interested in joining a committee or becoming a flag officer, then get in touch with any of the current flag officers. Cheers! ![]()
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