Dear Torbay Sailing Club Members, The information to follow has importance to it and concerns the continuation of what has been a fantastic 2022/2023 season. This is a formal invite to the TSC Annual General Meeting, which is to be held on Friday 11th August 2023, 7pm at the Torbay Sailing Club. Following on from the AGM we would like to invite you to stay on at the club and enjoy a cold beverage. The bar will be open 😀 - more information to follow. Our Club prize giving, being held on Friday 23rd June 2023, is where the nominations begin to be received for elected positions and for other roles within the club that need to be filled for the upcoming season. Please note nominations may be received after the prize giving until 7 days prior to the AGM. Please note that only the elected positions get ratified at the AGM being Flag officers and the General Committee. The Sailing committee and Other roles are volunteer positions that are not elected positions. At the most recent General committee meeting we have had some members indicate they will be stepping down from various positions. Here is a brief run-down of what will be on the whiteboard at the prize giving for you to put your name against, or put nominations in for. Please send any nominations to [email protected] A nomination form is attached below. Flag Officers: Commodore, Vice Commodore, Rear Commodore, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer General Committee: Flag Officers, plus 5-10 other members Sailing Committee: Rear Commodore (chair), plus up to 15 other members including Fleet Captains Other Roles: Heaps of them! If everyone just does a little bit - See attached document. If anyone has any queries around these roles, please do not hesitate to contact for further information. David (021 628847), Mark (021 710723), Stuart (0211620335) Kind Regards Stuart Cliffin Secretary Torbay Sailing Club ![]()
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