Hey team! Woah, what a contingent we had at the Opti nationals. 8 sailors! (Max, Lola, Frances in Open, and William, Andrew, Ben, Tate and Luke in Green). They all sailed extremely well, and represented Torbay Sailing Club in fantastic fashion! Now time for the REAL regatta of the year..... our very own CLUB CHAMPS :) The NOR and SSI are attached. A few important things to note: 1) Start times! 2) You will need to bring your own lunches as races are back to back. 3) Free sausage sizzle after sailing and of course the bar will be open. 4) If you are a parent NOT sailing, it would be greatly appreciated if you are able to help out. We have bar, sausage sizzle, beach duties, RIB and Lady Waiake spaces to fill. 5) No coaching. There will be Crunchie racing for orange fleet at the same times as the big course. If you are able to help out either Sunday, please let me know via messenger. These are the final two weeks of the season, so we hope to see ALL members and sailors out there giving it their best. :) ![]()
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